Creating Assignments

The first time you need to create an assignment, github has made it relatively simple with a Create Your first Assignment Button.

Let’s do one more step before we proceed with this!

Creating Assignment Repository

One feature with github is we can create a repository with with an assignment outline, sample code, data, …

  1. In a new tab go to organization repository.

  2. Once there, click on New.

  3. Give the assignment a meaningful name:

  4. Check to initialize with then Click Create Repository.

  5. Clone to computer or Add code Directly in website.

  6. Go back to Creating Assignments Tab.

Watch the Above Steps

Creating An Individual Assignment

  1. When you are back to Create assignment select Create Individual Assignment.

  2. Give the assignment a meaningful name. For example, I use the first assignment to collect usernames:

  3. (Optional) You can give the students admin access to their repository, which allows them to add other collaborators and such:

  4. Click in Add Starter Code Box

  5. Type the name of your organization in to help select code:

  6. Select starter code

  7. Click Create Assignment

  8. Give out the Assignment link.

Watch the Above Steps

Creating a Group Assignment

  1. When you are back to Create assignment select Create Group Assignment.

  2. Give the assignment a meaningful name. For example, I use the first assignment to collect usernames:

  3. (Optional) You can give the students admin access to their repository, which allows them to add other collaborators and such:

  4. Click in Add Starter Code Box

  5. Type the name of your organization in to help select code:

  6. Select starter code

  7. (Optional) Type in Maximum Group Numbers / Deadline

  8. Select Previously used Groups or Create new group.

  9. Click Create Assignment

  10. Give out the Assignment link.

Watch the Above Steps