Creating a Github Organization

Github allows for users to set up organizations where you can place material without it being all in your own github repository. This allows for some nice functionality:

  • Separates out personal content from your organization or class materials.
  • Allows for additional administrators to have full access to repos.
  • Allows for easy transfer of ownership.

How do we create one?

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings.

  2. In your user settings sidebar, click Organizations.

  3. In the “Organizations” section, click New organization.

  4. Under “Organization name”, type a name for your organization.

  5. Under “Billing email”, type the email where receipts for your organization’s paid plan should be sent.

  6. Under “Choose your plan”, select a billing plan. (For most courses this is free).

  7. Optionally, if your organization account is owned by a business, select This account is owned by a business, then type your company’s name.

  8. Skip the prompt to “invite members” to your organization (select “Continue”)
    • students will NOT be “members” of the organization
    • students will become “outside collaborators” when later added through GitHub Classroom

  9. Populate organization details
    • mark that the organization is for educational use
    • mark length of time for your class
    • mark number of users (class enrollment)

  10. Read the information about GitHub’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, then click Create organization.

Watch the Above Steps